Lately, I've been thinking of something.
- You know when you get cornered by peminta sedekah when you're eating?
- Or when you go to shopping malls and you've gotta pass by budak budak kecil selling tissue/kismis?
- Or when you're eating at McDonalds and suddenly someone approaches you, showing you his card saying he's mute and needs some donations for those in need?
These are what we always do to them. In fact these are what I always do.
- When I get cornered, I shushed them away telling them I ain't got money.
- When I went to shopping malls, and I saw the budak budak kecil, it was either I bought something from one of the kids, or I ignored them.
- Or when one of the boys approached me, I told him 'Saye dah beli dekat adik sana tadi' and walked away.
- When being approached, when I saw I gotta donate RM10, I immediately shook my head and said 'No, thanks.'
Did you do just the same like what I did?
If yes, then please continue reading.
You know we all love branded stuff no? LV, Topshop, Gucci, Nike, Adidas, D&G, Prada etc. And when you see someone possesses as such, we all go like 'I want that too!'. And no matter what, sometimes even if the price tags show 3 or 4 figures, we won't mind. 'Cause we'd say it's worth it. Having such branded items mean some sense of dignity, it boosts your confidence. For some that is.
But, the thing is:
If I buy one branded handbag that'd cost me lets say 300 pounds, I'll get only ONE handbag. When the fact is, with that some amount of money, I can support ONE year worth of education for Uganda kids.
If I spend 100 pounds for my branded clothes, well maybe I can get ONE or TWO beautiful dresses/tops/evening wear etc. When the fact is, with that amount of money, I can lend it as a microloan to poor entrepreneurs in countries like Africa. Those that are poor, but they don't go asking for donations, so we loan them our money for them to set up their businesses, or to take their businesses a step higher.
If I spend an amount of money to buy some stuff that I don't even need for example for a second handphone: because I've got a Blackberry and now I want an Iphone too. Know that with that amount of money I can help those tsunami victims in Japan or those landslide victims in Malaysia or the animals that have been abused or even I can donate for a masjid to be build in UK.
Now, ask yourselves this:
Is it worth your money for all of those branded stuff when you know that you can trade it for a better future for us all? When you know that you're saving lives. Human beings or animals, it doesn't really matter, because invariably every penny saves someone, it helps to save a life.
Even though we're not connected, even though our skin color or religion or race is different from theirs, know that it's still a life that God has granted to them. We've been created by the same God, and to Him we'll return to.
So what does make us different from the others?
And that is, to those who'd read this note, you're lucky enough for being able to go online.
Meaning that, you have electricity, you have your own laptop, you're sitting comfortably in your room, you don't have to worry of so many other things like clean water, food scarcity, a home to return to because you're already living in one with nice bed for you to sleep, clothes hang at your right for you to wear on the morrow when you go to school. Yes schools, colleges, universities, you've been to all.
But what about the others on the other side?
So, how about:
- When you get cornered, in one of many days ahead, give the poor one something. Seringgit pun boleh, or you can buy food for him if you're near a restaurant or a food stall.
- When you go to shopping malls, give each one of budak budak kecil some amount of money.
- When someone approaches you when you're eating at McD, if you're reluctant to give as much as RM10, just give him something.
I've never done any of the above, but I'll try as best as I can to practice that. Because, if we can pay RM10 for a movie ticket, RM5 for the popcorn and drink, we can also use that money to serve others in need, right?
Balance your need, and try to help those in need. And in the end, InsyaAllah, this world we're living in right now, would become better. If not to our eyes, to the eyes of those we had helped. Seronok kan to know that you have the power to change a life? :D
While earning your daily bread, be sure you share a slice with those less fortunate.
- Quoted in PS I Love You.
May I share this? :)
Yes, sure it'd be lovely if we can share this with the others! Thank you ;)
buat baik balasan baik akan dapat
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