May 22, 2011


Anonymous said...

(Sorry I don't know where to say this, so I just wrote it here)

Kak Azwa, your new blog is superb. I looked for the old one and couldn't find it so I Googled you and found this. I've no idea what had happened that makes you move to a fresh, new blog but hey I adore this one very much!

Take care and please write more :)

.azwasyafiqah. said...

Hello you :)

Thank you so much for the unexpected lovely comment + kind words. Really was a bit shocked when I read it, but it feels good to finally realize my voice has reached you, wherever you are atm.

Anyways, as suspected, something did happened to me and to cut it short, at the end of all the struggles and the feeling of dismay, I found out that there are something else worth mentioning rather than having my readers suffer through all my pointless blabbers, my continuous, endless whining and condemning.

Thus, maybe somewhere in my mind I'm hoping that my blog would serve as a platform to educate or merely act as a reminder of the crucial things that have been overlooked by us all. For now I think this is the least of what I can do to help the people, to make this world a better place for us all. And insyaAllah, granted, one day I can do more than just to write.

Hope that you too, will fight for the same cause as we all do ;)