March 4, 2011

The Pianist.

If you're into war movies, then I'd suggest The Pianist would be one damn good choice you ought to make.

However this ain't a movie that splurges you with some war actions between two nations with loud bangs here and there intensified with ever-lasting never-ending numerous places being mortared and shelled. This sorta type of movie just give you some quick hype of adrenaline rush, but The Pianist would give you some mental torture where at the end of it, you'd find yourself embarking the same journey as Adrien Bordy (main actor) did with non-stop flashes of images of how the Jews (in Warsaw) were killed from a half million population to just 60 000 left, approximately.

I think this movie would show bits of the insights of what had happened during The Holocaust, the genocide of six million European Jews during World War II. You'd be able to see how the Jews life deteriorated after the invasion of Nazi Germany into Warsaw. Not just being humiliated publicly by the officers, they were also forced to wear armbands worked as a distinction between the Jews and the non-Jews.

As most would have known, in wars, there would not be just scarcity, depletion of resources, starvation, illnesses, etc. Humanity is eroded beyond recognition to top it all.

I couldn't possibly forget this one scene where the Nazi Germany officers came into one building and there was this one family who they forced to stand up. Unfortunately there was this one old man in a wheelchair and he was the only one left not being able to do so. People are just being dramatically insane during war time I suppose. It was the creepiest of all time when I'd to see two officers lifted him up in his wheelchair and threw him off the balcony. A jaw-dropping scene with massive headache attacking me when I watched this.

Not to mention a boy of age 5 to 6 years old were beaten to death just fucking because he stole something, and the slave labors were shot point blank at their heads because of some unknown reason (I personally think the stupid arrogant nonsensical officer who did this only because he fucking enjoyed killing people that no valid excuses were needed to justify his actions).

But the killing did not just stop there. The Jews were cramped at a ghetto, and finally the were rounded up for the extermination (which they didn't know about - or maybe they knew what was going to happen to them but I didn't since there was no subs when they speak in German language). This is similar to the Third Reich where the Jews were transported with freight trains to a certain somewhere to be exterminated by taking them to the gas chambers, except for in this movie it didn't show the gas chambers part. It just ended with the officers shutting the train doors and later in the movie you were informed that they all were left with no food and water supply and the so-called 'deportation' was just masking the actual reason - to kill the Jews with the most efficient way by not having to shed any blood. They'd just starve themselves to death that was all.

The movie ended with the invasion by the Polish troop, and that was when the whole thing ended peacefully with the Nazi Germany officers being held captive. Talking about karma here you bitches!

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