March 22, 2011

World Water Day 2011.

I might have to say that after watching this video my heart definitely is moved by the situation the people are currently living in. Even though this video dated back two years ago, but I reckon the situation does not differ much, with hundreds of millions still suffering from the clean water shortage. This, other than the international military coalition intervention into Libya, and the chronic situation that has been haunting the Japanese ever since the radioactive leak incident, is another global issue that we must put the highlight on. After all, this lack of clean water access to the society causes more death than a war could have. 

I put my video regarding this matter on facebook, trying to cajole my friends into doing a charitable act by donating some of their money or their voices by disseminating the word of help, and to obtain as much of possible attention from the crowd into this matter. If any of aforementioned choices are incapable of tackling their attention, maybe due to some unavoidable reason such as financial crisis, another option that is available for them and it would only require a few minutes and a few clicks; signing a petition. Geez, I just love to see my friends trying to hold a tight grip into this thin rope of hope for those unlucky ones, and unconsciously, they all have become the ray of light for them. The knights in shining armors.

A behemoth-sized of people tend to forget the impacts that come from this small mercy act. They tend to belittle their own actions. Small, light round coins of a pound that they throw into those charity buckets may seem rather nothing to them. Oh what can a pound buy? A bar of chocolate? Candies? Because a pound, to us, is just a pound. It is not a hundred of pounds. But to them, those poor souls who have been scrapping their lives days and nights just for a pence, a pound means a hundred of pounds. A pound means the rare opportunity of having a good meal at home, a big portion of happiness. Just enough to live for one more day. A sense of hope. They would do anything just to get that 'big' amount of money. I bet if you shove at their faces a fiver note and tell them to clean your house spic-and-span, including your neighbor's, within just an hour, they would scramble down the vestibule, and start working. They would not even think that that would be impossible to do as such, given the alloted time.

But a fiver means a day lavished with string of opportunities. Dreams come true. No matter how ridiculous it might seems, how could they give up for something that means a whole lot for them, for their families. Just imagine getting back home and they are able to tell their wives "Hey hun! I bought a fish for us all. No need for the corn bread today I guess." And upon hearing this good news, the wives would give them a big, tight warm hug and whisper to their ears, "What a good day today is. We're having meat for dinner?" or maybe they would just say, "Lets just give the children the fish and we'll eat the corn bread." I mean, a fish? Just look at us all, look at me. I favor chicken more than fish. If my mate cooks fish for our dinner, I would not touch it. Fish? Why not chicken? The multiple options we have in our daily lives would make them eye-sored by watching us. How ungrateful are we that we have become picky?

But, hey, can you hear the sound of our hearts break when we see how crappy their lives are in comparison to the luxury ones we all have been showered with? Yes, our hearts ache, our bodies ache, our minds ache. Because we know that this world is very unfair for letting these two different worlds intertwined, and what makes it more sickening is, we have been living arm-to-arm all this while. If I tilt my head a bit to the other world, the whole pictures would have changed dramatically. From a colorful world- filled with joyous laughters, clean and expensive clothes, exclusive restaurants, Blackberries and Iphones, to a dimmed world- huddled with skeleton-looked people walking around the dry land, tens of holes scattered all over their torn, muddy shirts, lacking with nutritions, hampered with the water shortage, with the poor sanitation whatnots. Just how worse could that get years into the future without the help from OUR world?

Alone, I may not be able to change the world. But alone, I can help to change someone's life. Being able to save just one life would serve more than enough reason for me to continue walking down the path I have chosen for myself. And now, do all of you want to joint forces with me in this mission?

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
Winston Churchill

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